Sunday, February 04, 2007

What should we do to free our planet from terrorism?

The root cause of terrorism is poverty and injustice. Let me take each of these at a time explain their effects on global peace and the solution to eradicate them.

Poverty: Millions of humans are without food each day. If few parts of Africa stones are boiled in water from a distance by parents who satisfy the sight of their little ones before they sleep away another day without food. Poor / underdeveloped countries feel that their food is being stolen from them by the developed countries. For example why is that Dubai is well know for its oil and gas industries and its infrastructure while in Iraq blood is being shed for the same oil?

Solution: “Education” a single word says it all. The sheiks in Dubai realised that fact that education would play a very crucial factor in the development of their nation. They had sent their sons to get the best education from Universities such as Harvard, Oxford etc.. Knowledge gained from any place, book or person is knowledge shared. Isn’t it safer to fight with ink and paper rather than to fight with bullets and guns? The required steps for these would be to for governments to promote education in rural areas and in countries where educating a child is prohibited. Education brings a self-awareness and realisation of the fact that the wars of the future would not be fought by millions of humans on a battle field but by few representatives of the nation who represent the people in the drawing rooms debating issues and finding out solutions.

Injustice: “No one’s above the Law” a phrase known by all. Yet some have utilised the same Law for own benefits. Are there loop holes in the Justice system which we are all unaware off until someone uses them?. For example after the government of Iraq was formed. Isn’t it right of the government to see to that law and order is maintained in nation? Appreciating the fact that US and UK have been successful in removing a dictator such as saddam hussain. He was inhuman to his own people. After a democratic government was established the future of saddam hussain should have been handed over to the people of Iraq. With all the cruelty and suffering that they must have experienced during his regime my guess is that they would have decided on what he deserved. By this a message would be sent out to the people that law is the same for all. Now since the US have not willing to withdraw troops from Iraq and quiet often interfering with the government of Iraq and its function US now lives now in constant fear of terrorist attacks. They have created more enemies than friends. The UNO has no word since the majority of its support and finance comes from US. True justice can be seen only when money and power are not the influential or deciding factors of one’s fait but proof and facts and the one factors that a person is tried on.